Monday, December 26, 2011

Crick in your neck? Satisfy a craving?

Here is food for thought:

I recently had a kink below my neck.  It sort of 'came on' over a period of about 2 hours late one morning.  I made a point to hydrate, etc.  It seemed that this kink was just getting worse no matter what I did, including massage, moving, everything.  It was worse after another night's sleep.

I noticed the second day that I was craving mayonnaise.  (I know, you hate mayonnaise.)  I got a spoon and indulged that craving.  I didn't quite eat enough that I felt satisfied.  But, lo and behold, over the next couple of hours, I noticed that the neck pain was easing!  I wasn't doing anything at all for it.  So I had a little more, thinking I would eat it until I felt I'd had enough.  (About 1 tablespoon in, I was done.)  The pain eased a little more.  So now I had about 20% of the pain, which I could live with.

Now this had my attention.  I noticed that I was also craving black tea.  I made a cup of tea (though it usually keeps me awake) and just continued to feel better in other ways.  The next day, the pain was almost completely gone.

Am I recommending mayonnaise for your neck kink?  Of course not.  But I am recommending a little check-in.  Just ask yourself:  Is there anything I'm craving?  Then give it a try.

(Disclaimer: if you're an alcoholic and craving bourbon, don't blame me if you opt to fall off the wagon...)

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